Palmdale Car Accident Lawyer – The Accident Helpers

Palmdale is well known as the aerospace capital of the nation for its extraordinary aerospace industry. However, another little-known fact about the city is that since 2006, it has held the position of the American city with the longest commute, with roundtrips taking around 91 minutes, leading even New York City, which has almost 50 times the population of Palmdale.

If you live here, you know that commuting can be hell. The Antelope Valley Freeway is almost always crowded, and SR 138 is well known as one of the most dangerous roads in America.

In the past, Palmdale maintained a decent traffic safety ranking compared to other Californian cities with a population of over 150,000. However, there has recently been a spike in unsafe driving practices, such as texting while driving or DUI, which has caused an increase in the number of accidents on Palmdale roads.

If you’ve been in a Palmdale accident, the most important thing to remember is that you are entitled to compensation for any damages you suffer, and the easiest way to get the damages you deserve is by getting a Palmdale car accident lawyer.


What To Do If You’ve Been Involved in A Car Accident in Palmdale

To ensure you get compensated after an accident, your actions immediately after the accident are critical. So, here’s what you should do after a car accident in San Bernardino:


Stop to assess the accident

Cal Veh. Code §§ 20001 and 20002 mandate that drivers involved in an accident stop first. Failing to stop will make you guilty of a hit-and-run, which will lead to fines, possible prison time, and most likely ineligibility for insurance compensation.

After stopping, quickly assess the situation to determine whether anyone has died or been injured. If this is the case, remain on the spot.

However, if only property damage has been caused by the accident, you will simply need to determine whether you can still move the car safely after the accident. If you can, move the vehicle(s) to the nearest and safest place where it wouldn’t obstruct traffic before stopping permanently.

It is crucial to remember that as much as you need to stop, you must do so safely. If the accident occurs on a busy road, you are still responsible for ensuring that no other accidents happen, so as much as possible, do not stop abruptly.

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Call 911

If the accident caused death or injury, you should call 911 immediately. Most people in these situations believe that for minor injuries, it might be unnecessary to contact emergency services; however, that is a misconception.

To ensure your compensation, documentation must establish your injuries from the accident. The best way to do this is to get treated for any injuries you sustain on the scene.

If you, as a driver, have not been injured by the accident but someone else has, you are also obligated to call 911. While calling 911, you must remain calm and describe the exact situation and your location to the dispatcher.

In emergencies, the dispatcher may require that you take specific actions to assist the injured person. The law also requires that if the wounded person needs transportation to the hospital, any other driver involved but not injured in the accident must provide this assistance.

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Provide information

As a driver, you are legally required to provide information like your name and residential address, the names and residential addresses of the injured occupants, and your vehicle registration number to any investigating law enforcement officer.

They may also request to see your driver’s license or any other means of identification, and you must provide it.

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Document the scene

Take pictures and videos of the accident, and make sure to cover the damage to your car, the damage to the other car, and any injuries sustained.


Inform your insurer

To ensure the insurance company doesn’t pay less than your claim is worth, you should seek legal representation as soon as possible.

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See medical attention

Even if you didn’t suffer any visible injuries in the accident, it is still best to see a doctor to get a clean bill of health. This is necessary because accident injuries are not always immediately evident, and the adrenaline rush may mask the pains you normally feel.

However, through a medical diagnosis, you can ensure that there are no hidden injuries. That way, you don’t accept compensation before discovering other damages.

How Can a Car Accident Lawyer in Palmdale Help?

We mentioned that having an experienced car accident lawyer in Palmdale is crucial to making a successful claim. Here’s how:


Further investigations

Car accident lawyers are skilled investigators who can uncover and obtain crucial evidence that can strengthen your claim. Evidence that your lawyer can get on your behalf includes official car accident reports, verified witness testimony, and expert testimony.

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Claim assessment

Determining the value of your claim involves assessing the exact facts of the accident, including damages that result from the accident and local laws.

A Palmdale car accident lawyer with knowledge of recent Los Angeles County Superior Court rulings can provide an accurate estimate of the claim’s worth, which will help guide negotiation efforts.

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Represent you in court

Since securing your compensation could entail suing the responsible party in court, a Palmdale lawyer’s knowledge of local law, such as procedures like filing deadlines and substantives like negligence laws, will be helpful.

They can ensure that everything you need for success is in order, increasing your chances of securing compensation.


How Much Is My Palmdale Car Accident Claim Worth?

Estimating the value of your Palmdale car accident depends on various factors. California’s average compensation for a car accident is between $15,000 and $30,000.

And while that is a good benchmark to have in mind, your particular settlement could be less or more depending on the following:

Liability: California practices the pure comparative rule in negligence. With this rule, you will be prevented from receiving compensation for any portion of the accident that you caused.

Medical expenses and property damages: These form the economic damages, and if you did not contribute, the total amounts should be refunded to you. So, to estimate your car accident worth, start by calculating all the medical and property repair expenses you had to incur due to the accident.

Pain and suffering: These are non-economic damages, and you should still be compensated for them. If you suffered extreme pain or the permanent impairment of a body part or organ, your base damages should be increased to compensate for that pain and suffering.

Legal Process for A Car Accident in Palmdale


The legal process begins the moment you report an accident to law enforcement.

Unlike many other Californian cities, the Palmdale Sheriff’s Department does not permit online reporting of car accidents.


Therefore, you must call 911 at the scene to report the incident. If no law enforcement agents arrive on the scene, you must follow the provisions of Cal Veh. Code § 20004 by reporting the accident at the nearest office of the California Highway Patrol or the Sheriff Station.


After reporting, consult with your car accident lawyer, who will guide you and ensure you have everything you need before filing a claim.

Once you file a claim with the insurer, they will investigate it and, in most cases, offer you compensation.


This first compensation amount, however, is almost always less than the actual worth of your claim.

Your lawyer will begin negotiations with the insurer to ensure you get the compensation you deserve.


Most of the time, these negotiations yield positive results. But if they do not, you can always sue the responsible driver to recover the damages you’ve suffered.

For a lawsuit, you must file before the court and go through the pre-trial proceedings before the trial commences.


Accidents With Uninsured Drivers in Palmdale

If you are ever in an accident with an uninsured driver in Palmdale, claiming with their insurer is definitely out of the question. So, how do you recover your damages?

Your primary option is to sue the driver directly. This way, through the court judgment, you can recover your damages against any assets they have. These assets include their real estate, bank accounts, and future wages.

But in reality, most uninsured drivers do not have significant assets against which you can recover. Hence, it is always advisable that if you can afford it, you should get uninsured motorist coverage even though California law does not require you to.

Contact the Accident Helpers Today

When you contact The Accident Helpers, we connect you to Palmdale’s most trustworthy and experienced car accident lawyers. You can rest assured that these legal professionals will secure your compensation.

With so many lawyers, finding one you can trust to win your case could be challenging. Why? The perfect lawyer has to be experienced, brilliant, and well-versed in local law. This is where we at The Accident Helpers come in.

To ensure you get compensated, we have built a network of the best car accident lawyers and can help you find the best legal minds in Palmdale. All you have to do is contact us. We will gather the facts of your case and then find you a lawyer who has handled similar cases successfully. The best part is our services are entirely free, so contact us today!
