Pomona Car Accident Lawyers

Pomona is no stranger to heavy traffic due to its complex and busy roads, including the I-10, the SR-71, and the Pomona freeway, which over 200,000 cars take daily. The city’s many intersections and the sheer volume of vehicles constantly on the road make car accidents almost inevitable. Unfortunately, these accidents are often fatal (causing injury or death).

Whether an accident has taken the life of a loved one or caused you to suffer injury or property damage, it could be a terrible experience, leaving you uncertain about the next steps to take. This is where a Pomona car accident lawyer can help.

Through their in-depth understanding of local traffic laws and the nuances of personal injury claims, Pomona car accident lawyers can guide you through the compensation recovery process. You can recover financial expenses from medical bills to property repair costs with compensation. You can also be compensated for any emotional trauma you’ve suffered.


What to Do If You’ve Been Involved In a Car Accident in Pomona

Taking immediate steps to protect your health, rights, and future legal claims is crucial. So, here is what you should do if you are ever in an accident in Pomona:


Check for Injuries and Call Emergency Services

Your safety and those of others involved in the accident should be your priority. Check yourself and any passengers for injuries, then call 911 if you find any. California’s Cal Veh Code §§ 20001 and 20002 requires drivers to stop immediately after any accident involving injury, death, or property damage.

If anyone else is injured, promptly offer medical assistance. But if you suspect a head or spinal injury, don’t move them as that may further complicate their injuries, so just wait for paramedics to arrive.

Even if you feel fine, getting checked out by medical experts is a good idea. Some injuries may not be immediately visible, and delaying treatment may worsen them.


Move to a Safe Location and Exchange Information

If the accident has not caused any injury and you can still safely drive the vehicle, move it out of traffic to park it in a safe place. Then, exchange relevant information with the other party.

Cal Veh. Code § 16025 requires you to exchange your name, address, vehicle registration number, and insurance details with the other driver even when the accident was not your fault. Failure to exchange information may result in a $250 fine.


Seek Legal Assistance from a Car Accident Lawyer

Even if you think the accident was minor, it is always wise to consult with a Pomona car accident lawyer immediately after an accident.

Studies have shown that drivers with legal representation receive 2-3 times more compensation than unrepresented ones.

An attorney will evaluate your case, determine your eligibility for compensation, and guide you through the claims process.

How Can A Car Accident Lawyer in Pomona Help?

Car accident cases are complex, but with the support of an experienced lawyer, you can navigate the process seamlessly. Here is how a Pomona-based car accident attorney can help you:


Case Evaluation and Legal Guidance

After an accident, one of the first services a lawyer will provide is a comprehensive evaluation of your case. A car accident lawyer can review your accident’s details and any evidence you’ve gathered to assess the strength of your claim and provide advice tailored to your unique situation.

Pomona attorneys are well-versed in local traffic and insurance laws. Their knowledge enables them to provide you with practical guidance to ensure compensation.


Negotiating with insurance companies

Unlike insurance companies that are usually more interested in minimizing their payouts than providing fair compensation, a lawyer will prioritize your interests and fight to see that you receive maximum compensation for your losses.

A skilled car accident lawyer understands how insurers operate and can counter low-ball settlement offers with well-supported demands to ensure you receive the highest compensation possible.


Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit

Negotiations with the insurance company will not always result in a claim settlement. When this happens, your lawyer can threaten to sue on your behalf.

Your attorney will know that they must file the lawsuit within California’s prescribed timeframe. Otherwise, you risk having the case dismissed. The statute of limitations for accidents that cause death or injury in California is two years from the accident date, while it is three years for property damage-only accidents.


Representing You in Court

In some cases, car accident claims may end up going to trial. If this happens, your lawyer will represent you in court. Pomona-based lawyers understand the local court system and the relevant procedural law, which gives you an advantage during the trial.


What Should You Bring to Your Initial Consultation With a Car Accident Lawyer?

When meeting with a car accident lawyer for the first time, you should prepare to provide the attorney with the information they need to evaluate your case. Here are some critical items to bring to your consultation:

  • A copy of the police report, if you’ve obtained it.
  • All treatment-related documents, including doctor’s notes, hospital bills, and any prescribed treatments or medications.
  • Your auto insurance policy and the information you obtained from the other driver.
  • Pictures, videos, witness contact information or other evidence from the accident scene.
  • Receipts or repair estimates. Additionally, asking the following questions at the first consultation will help you to choose the right attorney for you:
  • How will you handle negotiations with the insurance company?
  • What is the estimated timeline for resolving my case?
  • How much can I recover from my car Accident Claim?
  • What percentage of my settlement will go toward legal fees?

How Much Is My Pomona Car Accident Claim Worth?

It is challenging to estimate the exact worth of your car accident as several factors need to be taken into consideration:

  • Severity of Injuries: More serious injuries generally result in higher compensation due to increased medical bills, long-term rehabilitation needs, and the impact on your quality of life.
  • Severity of Damage: The cost of repairing or replacing your vehicle and other property damages will also be considered in determining your claim’s value.
  • Lost Wages: If you are unable to work due to the accident, you can seek compensation for lost wages, as well as any future income you may lose if your injuries are long-term or permanent.
  • Emotional pain and trauma: In California, you are entitled to pursue non-economic damages under Cal Civ. Code § 3281 - 3283. This includes compensation for pain and suffering resulting from the impact of the accident.

Legal Process for a Car Accident in Pomona


Claim Filing

After an accident, you or your lawyer will file a claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company.

California has a comparative fault system, meaning that you can still recover damages even if you are partially at fault.

However, your compensation may be reduced by your percentage of fault.



Once the claim is filed, the insurance company will investigate. After they make an initial offer, your lawyer will commence negotiations to push for fair compensation.



If negotiations with the insurer fail, your lawyer will file a personal injury lawsuit and argue your case before a jury. Litigation is usually only the last resort since it could be time-consuming.

Contact the Accident Helpers Today

How do you find a trustworthy car accident lawyer in Santa Maria? Look no further—we can help. At The Accident Helpers, we maintain a network of skilled and experienced car accident lawyers in Santa Maria, and we can help find the best fit for you at no cost.

All you have to do is book an initial session with us, during which one of our consultants will get all the relevant facts of your case. We will immediately find and put you in touch with the best lawyer for you.
